Bridging the Connectivity Gap with the New EM-SR LoRaWAN® Satellite Relay


Seamless connectivity has never been more critical, with today’s businesses seeking optimum productivity while operating across dispersed sites and with assets stretching extensively across regional and country borders. IoT has fast become a valuable tool for remotely monitoring these assets and data sharing. However, when deploying IoT applications, you may still find gaps in LoRaWAN® network coverage, creating issues with reliable data transfer. In turn, these challenges can impact your operations’ efficiencies and costs.

At EchoStar Mobile, we are developing an innovative solution to help you solve this challenge. The EchoStar Mobile EM-SR LoRaWAN® Satellite Relay (EM-SR) will provide a cost-efficient, reliable way of covering the connectivity gap and enabling uninterrupted communication, even at the very edge of network coverage.

In this blog, we’ll explore how the EM-SR works, its key features, and its numerous benefits to IoT applications.

Where are the gaps in LoRaWAN® networks?

The power of LoRaWAN® technology is its long-range, low-power capabilities. As one of the go-to connectivity options for IoT applications, LoRaWAN® leverages traditional terrestrial networks where the infrastructure is available. Meanwhile, satellite services offer a continuous solution when operating or moving into remote or challenging regions.

However, you’ll still find that there are specific scenarios where consistent coverage can falter. If your sensors and devices are situated indoors, inside metallic cabinets or pipelines in remote areas, out of terrestrial range or a satellite’s line-of-sight (LOS), they may experience connectivity issues, resulting in data loss or delayed transmission.

You can choose to install new conventional terrestrial gateways. However, this method isn’t always practical or strategic. The costs may not be justifiable for your business, or your location may lack a power supply, adequate visibility or backhaul options. Therefore, there remains a need for a solution that can overcome these coverage challenges while being versatile and cost-effective.

Introducing the EM-SR LoRaWAN® Satellite Relay

The EchoStar Mobile EM-SR LoRaWAN® Satellite Relay (EM-SR) is a device designed to bridge the connectivity gaps that terrestrial gateways cannot easily cover and where satellite signals are obstructed.

This innovative device acts as a relay for uplink and downlink LoRa® data, seamlessly forwarding information from trusted end devices to the network server via satellite and vice versa. The EM-SR can be used for existing deployments where coverage is weak or in locations at the fringe of radio frequency (RF) coverage. Acting as an intermediary, it effectively extends the network’s range, enabling your devices to access reliable connectivity in more remote and challenging regions, indoors or even in metallic enclosures or pipelines.

As a plug-and-play device that complies with the LoRaWAN® TS011 ecosystem standards, the EM-SR offers convenient and straightforward deployment. It gives you an immediate, practical and cost-effective solution for continuous coverage. This ease of use supports the scalability of applications, enabling new deployments with minimal effort and budget.

The EM-SR is battery-powered and can also leverage energy-harvesting technologies, so it is ideal for long-term deployments in remote or difficult-to-access areas. It is also a managed solution, offering firmware updates over-the-air (FUOTA) for optimal operation and security. These features reduce the need for frequent maintenance, further enhancing cost-efficiency benefits.

The key features of the EM-SR

  • Coverage extension of LoRaWAN® networks to areas at the edge of RF coverage
  • Reliable data relay, even in challenging environments
  • Easy plug-and-play design
  • Battery-powered with energy-harvesting capabilities
  • Standard compliance with LoRaWAN® TS011 ecosystem for seamless integration with existing deployments
  • Managed solution with FUOTA capabilities

By adding an EM-SR device to your LoRaWAN® application, you can bridge the connectivity gap, creating a more robust, reliable network where no location is out of reach.

Explore the real-world applications and benefits of the EM-SR

There are many use cases where the EM-SR offers a valuable connectivity solution. Here are a few examples:

Smart metering

Traditional meter readings typically involve costly manual drive-by operations. As smart meters are being rolled out, this requirement has decreased, but there are still scenarios where connectivity is not available to deliver this data reliably. For example, sensors situated in hard-to-reach spots, such as basements or metallic enclosures, usually struggle to access network coverage. In these instances, the EM-SR acts as an effective intermediary to forward the data from the sensors to the satellite and ensure data delivery.

With EM-SR, you can enjoy the cost advantages of using smart meters while having confidence in reliable connectivity and data transfer and benefitting from easy deployment for large-scale or widely dispersed assets.

Pipeline and infrastructure monitoring

Monitoring pipelines or critical infrastructure that stretches across extensive distances, often into remote regions, can be incredibly challenging. When the job is done manually, it is hugely time- and cost-heavy. Using remote monitoring devices is an excellent solution. However, when this infrastructure goes underground or out of the LOS of satellites, connectivity can be patchy at best.

The EM-SR will ensure that sensors along the pipeline can always access reliable network coverage no matter the location. Ensuring the delivery of real-time data facilitates the detection of anomalies, such as leaks or pressure changes, and enables rapid responses that enhance safety and minimise environmental impact.

Industrial IoT

Industrial facilities often comprise heavy machinery and complex layouts, frequently creating coverage black spots. From remotely located factories to oil rigs offshore, the EM-SR will ensure seamless connectivity and transfer of vital data.

With these sensors regularly providing data on critical functions, having reliable, real-time connectivity delivered by the EM-SR supports safety and operational efficiencies.

Agricultural monitoring

Farms, plantations and vineyards often suffer from a lack of terrestrial coverage, with many extending across vast, remote areas. Add the challenging terrain and lack of reliable power sources and installing a conventional terrestrial gateway becomes impractical and not cost-effective. Moreover, landscape features, like hills and dense foliage, can obstruct LOS for RF signals.

With the EM-SR, there is no need for investment in infrastructure or a power supply. It can also be used to navigate landscape obstacles that impact satellite signals. The device provides an affordable, practical and scalable solution for reliable data collection on any aspect, from soil moisture and weather conditions to crop health, promoting more efficient, sustainable operations.

Shaping the future of IoT ecosystems with EM-SR

With the EchoStar Mobile EM-SR LoRaWAN® Satellite Relay, there no longer needs to be gaps in LoRaWAN® network coverage where terrestrial networks don’t reach, and line-of-sight to satellites is obstructed. Connectivity black spots can be eliminated without a costly investment in new infrastructure or technologies.

Intelligently designed to integrate into existing applications, the EM-SR delivers comprehensive, uninterrupted, and cost-effective connectivity for your deployments. With it, you can leverage the full benefits of remote monitoring and data collection provided by IoT.

To learn more about the EchoStar Mobile EM-SR LoRaWAN® Satellite Relay, please take a look at ​​our factsheet or get in touch with our team.