
EchoStar Mobile’s Product and Services Roadmap for Delivering Seamless IoT Connectivity In mid-2022, EchoStar Mobile launched its pan-European LoRa®-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) network, recently branded as Maxxive IoT. As a first-of-its-kind technology, it provides direct-to-satellite IoT connectivity in a licensed spectrum (S-band). This innovative network...

Accessing real-time data collection and analysis is hugely valuable for modern businesses, improving efficiency, sustainability, and safety. The Internet of Things (IoT) offers this capability and, alongside advances in direct-to-device connectivity, is transforming how industries operate today. However, one significant challenge remains: ensuring consistent connectivity...

With a growing global population, set to reach 9.8 billion by 2050, getting potable water to these growing numbers of people, efficiently and sustainably, is a major challenge. The challenge is made all the greater by the perennial problem facing water utilities – leakage of water...

Delivery of goods by road transport is common but it does present some major challenges for logistics managers. One of the most significant is theft in transit. According to a 2021 report, by far the most common form of theft is to hijack vehicles or...

Although not well known, seagrass meadows are an important ecosystem that play a vital role in combating climate change. Formed of flowering plants that grow underwater, seagrass meadows grow in sheltered coastal areas across six continents. However, they are not simply attractive additions to the seaside...