Our reliance on connectivity today stretches much further than just our everyday activity. Large-scale businesses rely on the critical transfer of data to function, and emergency response services need the ability to communicate to help in disaster recovery situations. But terrestrial connectivity can fall short. Therefore, a more reliable solution is needed, one which doesn’t require timely installation of physical infrastructure and won’t struggle in remote places or when faced with harsh weather conditions. S-band satellite services can provide that solution, delivering resilient connectivity, regardless of location or conditions.
When more resilient connectivity is required
Digital communication and internet connectivity has become something many of us take for granted today. In built-up, developed areas especially, terrestrial infrastructure is well-established, and network coverage provides us with fast, easy-to-access connectivity. But traditional terrestrial infrastructure is not infallible. A natural or human-induced disaster or simply more extreme weather conditions can lead to connectivity from these networks faltering, leaving thousands without the ability to communicate. This interruption in connectivity is not merely an annoyance, where individuals cannot log on to their favourite social media platform. Businesses’ critical operational activity is jeopardised, and emergency response services can become compromised.
There have been numerous occasions in recent years when the fallibility of terrestrial coverage has been exposed. Storms, floods and hurricanes have damaged the infrastructure that supports our connectivity, not to mention the human-induced crises that have caused more significant, long-lasting destruction. So, when people and businesses most needed to communicate, they could have been left stranded – if it wasn’t for satellite services.
In these situations, satellite networks offer a resilient connectivity option that can be rapidly and easily deployed. And while some organisations may turn to it in an emergency response situation to restore connectivity, many businesses are taking a more proactive approach, deploying satellite services from the outset. Having a satellite connection has become part of their resilience planning, ensuring they can safely and efficiently deliver a continuous service no matter the conditions.
The benefits of licensed S-band in satellite connectivity
While satellite networks can provide the resilient connectivity required in the absence of terrestrial services, organisations can gain further improvements to their communication strategy when selecting the spectrum.
Smaller Terminals; Easy installation
Operating in the S-band allows for the development of small form factor terminals like our HNS 4500 and 4510 terminals. Unlike VSAT terminals that operate in the C-, Ka, and Ku-band, these are cost-effective, require little to no technical expertise to deploy, and can work at fixed sites or on the move (on land or coastal waters) with no customisation. With an IP 67 rating as standard, these terminals can operate in the harshest environments with no additional equipment or ruggedisation required.
Operating in the S-band spectrum
Although satellite services are seen as a resilient connectivity solution, it can depend on which band the network utilises. For example, many people will be familiar with disruption to their satellite television viewing during a storm – an issue referred to as rain fade, where the raindrops weaken or absorb the signal transmitted to the satellite dish.
The S-band spectrum offers significant resistance to this signal fading caused by rain, snow and ice. Operating in frequencies from 2 to 4 GHz, it can provide reliable, continuous access during changing atmospheric conditions, unlike other bands, such as Ku and Ka. With the unpredictable weather patterns often experienced in Europe, this capability is a significant advantage of the S-band.
The resilience of EchoStar Mobile’s Licensed S-band satellite services
Resilient connectivity has become a necessity for keeping businesses operational and people safe. Our licensed S-band satellite services offer a connectivity solution that can be relied upon during challenging times, whether it’s supporting the delivery of continuous service to your customers, ensuring access to critical data to keep your team safe and your assets fully operational or providing an emergency communication option in times of crisis. With a solution that is rapid and easy to deploy, reliable and cost-effective, we can ensure you stay connected.
Please visit our satellite services page or get in touch with our team to find out more.